Friday, April 9, 2010

Have you ever accused God of . . . ?

You can put your own ending on this question. Maybe you've accused him of ripping your life off big time; stealing someone from you; not intervening in some tragedy; leaving you penniless, etc. The list could go on and on because we are all individuals who have different expectations of what God should do for us. It's seems there isn't some 'super mold' where God pours all humans into the same mold for creation purposes. If he did I guess we'd all look, talk, think, and act the same. But, of course, the opposite is entirely true. We look, think, talk, and act differently than others and therefore have different expectations of our heavenly father. You and I could have a face to face conversation where I tell you how God has failed me in my time of need. But you see it differently, and see how he is working out some other path in my life. That's the benefit of being able to talk things thru with someone who cares about you.

But how do you communicate with God personally? Well, we accuse him when we don't understand his work in us. That's communication, isn't it? I mean, he knows our thoughts anyway, so why not just go ahead and voice our frustrations out loud? Do we think that God will see it differently if we don't actually speak the words of accusation? Believe me, you would be in good company if you did accuse God out loud! Even the Bible records people who vented their grievances at God, and they lived to tell their story later!

It seems to me that the act of accusing God, or venting your anger at him is a sign that you believe he actually exists. I am completely in favour of this whole idea. In fact, I believe that God is in favour of it too. Think about it: Do you believe his feelings are hurt if you vent? Do you think that God is insecure when you get angry? Do you think he will vaporise you? I doubt it! He loves you too much to let a little anger get in the way of your friendship with him. Remember that it was God who visited earth 2,000 years ago, in Jesus, and died a horrible death so that your sins could be eradicated, and so that you could experience what it is to be close to him. When Jesus went back to heaven he sent his Holy Spirit so he could live with all of us, and remind us about him, and continually invite us back to him when we fail or slip. No, I don't think he is phased by our frustration.

As a father I know what it is to annoy the hell out of my children. If they come to me and tell me how frustrated they are with me, I would consider this a golden opportunity for connection with them. I would explain my reasons to them why I act a certain way, and then maybe get some feedback about how I can be a better dad (or at least less embarrassing). Unlike me, of course, God is the perfect heavenly father. He generally has a way of doing things right the first time, I believe. But the principle is still the same - he loves you and wants to show you why he is doing certain things the way he does. Just how HE communicates that to US is the subject of another blog perhaps.

Talk soon . . . .