Friday, April 16, 2010


How's this for a promise?

So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you.

This sentence is taken from a letter written in the 1st century A.D. The letter was written by a man known as Peter the Fisherman, or Peter the Apostle of Jesus. He is also known as, 'The Apostle of hope', because he wrote this letter to encourage those Christians who were being persecuted because they believed and trusted in Jesus.

Christians were thought to be a bit simple and stupid by those who didn't share their faith. Imagine trusting a God you couldn't see, touch, or hear? Fancy putting your trust in a Saviour who actually died a criminals death on a cross? But worse than that, there was a section of the community who wouldn't tolerate this new faith that had Jesus Christ at it's centre. Insecure leaders of various religions passed laws that outlawed Christ-followers who practised their faith openly, putting them in prison, and worse. It was to these people that Peter wrote this letter in around 65 A.D. He could see that life as a Christian had become difficult for some, and had severely tried their faith and trust in God.

And so he wrote to them, " . . . trust your life to the God who created you . . . ".

Today in most of the countries of the world it isn't a crime to call yourself a Christian. But there are still many difficulties that are trying, and taxing on our faith. All of us have stories to tell. Recently I was speaking to someone who had lost their spouse to cancer 10 years ago, and is now looking at the prospect of losing 2 children to the same thing. There are financial difficulties that threaten to ruin our lives and families. Our infatuation with self-seeking, temporary pleasure is dividing families and ruining individuals lives constantly. And somewhere along the line we all suffer to some extent. Drugs, crime, accidents, bad decision making and choices, etc. If you are a Christian you will probably be affected, or know someone who is directly or indirectly affected by someone else's grief.

If you are a believer in Jesus, then this letter by Peter is written for you. If you believe that God is your creator then this letter is written for you.

Earlier in the same letter Peter writes, Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.

The first thing you need to do is remember, don't be surprised by your difficulty. It doesn't mean you're going mad, or insane, or there is anything strange about you. It also means you are definitely not alone!

The second thing you need is to keep things in perspective. Again Peter writes, For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God. What you are experiencing is temporary. Try to keep in mind that you are powerfully influenced by the "instant" world we live in. For example: we get impatient standing in front of a microwave oven waiting for our 2 minute meal to cook!!

Thirdly, keep doing what's right. Don't make others pay for your frustration with life. Even if you think your paying for other people's bad decisions allow your heavenly Father to work grace and graciousness into your life thru it.

Fourthly, trust your life to God . . he will never fail you. This is a big one, I know. It's one thing to see these words written down, but another thing to actually feel the powerful effect of their truth. And I believe the reason we miss out is this: You will never fully trust someone you don't know. Perhaps the reason we don't live in trust is because we don't really know the one who made the promise. Maybe you've never met him for the first time, or maybe you need to meet him again. I can't give you a formula for meeting Jesus. But you will know when he gives his invitation; it could be anywhere at anytime. That's the time to step out in trust and say yes to him. Then you will be in a position to "learn from him" (Matthew 11:29).
Keep in mind that it was God's idea to come to earth and offer forgiveness. He doesn't stand back and wait for us to get ourselves cleaned up before he accepts us. When you have the humility to admit your need, and ask forgiveness you are on the right track.

Talk soon . . . (Quotes are taken from the New Testament , 1st letter of Peter, New International Version & The Message)