Saturday, January 30, 2010

Could God enjoy my company?

Is it possible that God could enjoy my company?
Is it possible that he could sit back in his heavenly lounge chair, take a deep breath, and sigh, “That’s my boy”, or “That’s my little girl”?
This is a necessary question to ask, and answer, because if I don’t know the answer then I must be living my life on the assumption that God is moody, unpredictable, and at times both pleased and unpleased with me.
The Bible, in Zephaniah 3 verse 17 says,
For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty saviour. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”(NLT)

If there is any way that this could be as true today as it was when Zeph wrote these words, then I am indeed in a great place! Think of the possibilities! To quote another saint: “If God is for me who can be against me”? (Romans 8:31)
Question: Among your friends, do you know or have you ever seen a father who was really proud of his kids? Maybe at a sporting event where winning wasn’t as important as doing your best. (I’ve seen a Dad I know just about crying with pride when his 8 year old daughter finished a lap of an Olympic pool, even though she came last). Or what about a parent just brimming with pride (money can’t buy this kind of pride) watching from a distance while their child is simply playing in the backyard? My point is this: that if God is my heavenly father (this is how he has described himself thru history), is it possible that he finds this kind of happiness and delight in me? According to Zephaniah this is exactly how he feels. Let’s break it down:
1. “He is our Saviour”. This should be our first clue – we can’t save ourselves!!
2. “He takes delight in me with gladness”. I think our problem with this statement is that we don’t think it could be this way all the time. To think this way means that God is either moody, or that we completely surprised him and he didn’t see it coming when we messed up! I believe neither is true. God knows our weakness and he knows when we’re going to miss the mark. But he is incredibly patient with us (love is patient, remember) and he sees the big picture that one day we will beat the things that trip us up.
3. “He will calm your fears with his love”. To me this speaks of security. I am secure in my fathers love. We’ve all heard of a child who sleeps in their mum and dad’s bed when they’re afraid of something. If God chose the image of a father to describe himself to us then it stands to reason that we will be allowed to feel the security of his love at times when we are afraid. I guess that most of us are affected to some extent by the way we saw our earthly parents act toward us. But God is perfect, and his affection toward us is unchanging. He’s not moody or temperamental.
4. “He will rejoice over you with songs”. Now, think of all the songs you know where someone is singing about their sweetheart. Imagine the pure and perfect love of your heavenly father singing to you and about you. Now that’s going to take some faith isn’t it!? That’s exactly what it’s going to take! But do it! Be secure in your father’s love. Allow yourself to hear his songs for you. Allow him to save you and take delight in you.

Talk soon . . . Dave Morrie Dick

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