Friday, December 23, 2011

A Weapon named Surrender

It’s a strange phrase when you first look at it, because to surrender means to lie down, give up, throw in the towel, submit, or relinquish something, doesn’t it? It's not something that comes naturally to many of us. Most of us have our fists clenched tightly when we're born, and then spend most of our lives hanging on to what we've got. But I hope I can show you in the next few paragraphs just how powerful surrender can be – especially if you want to be a friend of Jesus.

As a Christian, I believe there is a whole world that is invisible to my eyes. There are many movies and TV programs which have tried to capture this unseen world and show it to us: Supernatural; the Exorcist movies; Ghost Whisperer; Paranormal; The Ring; Final destination; and Phenomenon, just to name a few. It seems that most people are aware of an unseen world of activity; it’s just that it’s difficult to describe exactly what it looks like because no one can actually see it. 
I’m not pretending to be an expert on the subject, but there are some clues found in the Bible which make sense, at least to me, of some stuff I see going on around us in our world.

Throughout the Bible there are a few references* to an event that happened before we were created; namely, a rebellion in Heaven, where one of the head angels, Lucifer, became proud to the point that he wanted to take God's place as ruler. This was never going to succeed, of course; but pride and self-deceit does that to us - makes us think we are invincible, immortal, etc; and it seems that angels can be deceived as well because Lucifer believed that he could achieve this position as king of Heaven.
The Bible says that because of this attempted coup, Lucifer was ordered out of Heaven and thrown down to the earth, along with one third of the angels who rebelled with him (these become known as demons).

It's my belief that Satan (formally Lucifer) roams unseen throughout the earth with his demons looking for ways to destroy what God loves - US; you and me. Every hour of every day we are making choices; choices where there is a good option, and where there's a bad option. Unfortunately, God gets blamed for bad stuff that happens after we've made a string of bad choices. (Even Satan gets blamed for the same things). If we get wasted on drugs and alcohol, then get behind the wheel of our car and kill someone, how misguided is it to blame God or Satan? Some of us blame God for making us have to choose in the first place! (Can you imagine how much we would whinge if our power of choice was taken away)?

To put this simply, I believe that we are presented with choices, options, and temptations all the time. I believe that Satan and his demons tempt us to make wrong decisions, and I believe that God provides a way out of making wrong choices. Sometimes we make wrong choices because we think there is no other option. We don't make right decisions because we are scared to let go of what we're familiar with. We're scared of losing stuff that makes us feel good, not realising that it's the letting go that will eventually bring us real and lasting happiness. I think that for some, we like being in control of our lives, knowing our day to day decisions are wrong but unwilling to change because to let go is to relinguish control of our lives. Others think they are doomed, or fated to make bad decions because they are convinced they have no power to do otherwise. 
When the circus comes to town the elephants are kept in place by a stake in the ground. Apparently the elephant has been convinced or conditioned since it was a baby to think he can't pull the stake out. Of course, he could easily pull it out, but he just doesn't know it. I think we're a bit like this: life has been dealing us a bad hand for a long time, and we simply don't know there are other options available.
Jesus said, Come to me if you're weary and weighed down . . . and I'll give you rest for your soul. This is an option; you simply may not be aware of it. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean it isn't true. Just because you can't see Satan or Jesus, or the unseen realm, doesn't mean you're not affected by it's pressures.
So why do I think that surrender is a weapon? About 60 A.D. a man named James wrote:
        It's common knowledge that "God goes against the willful proud; God gives grace to the willing humble". So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud NO to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he'll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it's the only way you'll get on your feet.(James 4, The Message)

If there is just a small part of you that believes these words are true, and even if your faith seems to be just a small flickering candle, then say NO to the devil and yes to God. Surrender to him today.

Talk soon . . . dmd
* The Bible - Ezekiel 28; Revelation 12; Isaiah 14 

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