Thursday, July 8, 2010

Am I OK with God . . . ?

Sometimes I think that our search for life's meaning, and spiritual satisfaction could be summed up in the question: Does God like me? Imagine if God showed up in the middle of your working day and said, Hey, do you know that I really like you? For me, I know that it would grab my attention immediately. I have heard all my life that he "loves" me; (songs like Jesus loves the little children, etc) but the word like seems to suggest more than an obligation to put up with me. And let me tell you, sometimes I feel like God has to put up with a lot from me. My thoughts stink at times; sometimes my attitude towards others is best kept inside my head; many times I don't want to do the good things I know I should do. And this is just to name a few of my struggles. I imagine if we had a complaints forum online (maybe there is one) we would have a multitude of personal struggles and self-loathings listed! And for many of us who believe there is a personal God somewhere the question that concerns us is, Am I OK with God?
I continually come back to something that Jesus said, and that I've written here before. In fact, it's the whole reason for this blog. It's found in the New Testament in Matthew 12: 28-30.

Come to me, all of you who are tired and are carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest. Become my servants and learn from me. I am gentle and free of pride. You will find rest for your souls. Serving me is easy, and my load is light. (NIRV)

I am totally convinced of the fact that God likes me. And I also believe Jesus' words when he said in John 14 that he came to show us exactly what God is like. Take another look at his words above: Serving me is easy, and my load is light. Is serving God and Jesus a chore for you? Do you find the load too heavy in your service for Jesus? Are you continually plagued with questions about his love for you, or acceptance of you? Do you fall in and out of love for the Lord all the time? (He doesn't fall in and out of love for you!) Listen to God's words written to his people 2,500 years ago:
I love you people with a love that will last forever. That is why I have continued showing you kindness. (Jeremiah 31:3 NCV)
As far as I am concerned these are words to live by; words to base my whole life on. If you answer yes to some of the above questions, then you may be relating to God as a servant or slave, and not as a son or daughter. As a slave you will experience continual weariness in your service for him. But as a son or daughter you can enjoy all the benefits of the palace - especially the pleasure of knowing his pleasure for you.
Talk soon . . .

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