Monday, March 7, 2011

Is Sex Love . . . ?

The other morning at 6.00am, while in the city, I drove past a huge billboard sign for a night club. It read, "Get more love in one night". Then, about 20 metres away sitting on the gutter with her arms wrapped around her knees, was a young lady with tears streaming down her face and crying in anguish. Now, clearly I have no idea what was wrong with the young lady; she may have been upset for any number of reasons. But I thought about the old saying that says, A picture paints a thousand words. This woman's story of weariness could be repeated 1,000's of times over every day in any city, couldn't it?
As far as the nightclub sign goes, I am continually amazed at what we're told is good for us, and more specifically what LOVE is! To make the assumption that sex is love is preposterous and a crime against a vulnerable generation of young people.
I can personally vouch for the fact that sex is wonderful after 25 odd years of marriage; but it breaks my heart to think that some people are convinced that sex does in fact equal love.

Don Fransisco wrote,
It hurts to see you struggle
And try so hard to win
But trade your precious birthright
For candy-coated sin

It's a bit like fool's gold - might look like gold, might feel like gold, but it isn't gold. The chances are it's just some candy coated stuff that's gonna leave you disillusioned and hurt.
As people we are so precious and costly; but we settle for fool's gold when the real stuff is on offer elsewhere.
I won't say too much more now about this. I just wanted to put that picture that I saw into words before I forget about it. I will say this, though; that there is only one way I know to measure real love - How much is it prepared to sacrifice?
The song title for the above verse is, Give your heart a home. That's what we all need - a home for our feelings, emotions, struggles, fears, weaknesses, inadequacies, and weariness. Somewhere we can be honest, and get angry about some of the junk we've been told and sold.
Again, let me ask, How much is the one who loves you prepared to sacrifice for you?

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