Sunday, February 6, 2011

In my last blog I said I would list some things that I've stumbled upon that may be some help to you in your journey to healing and wholeness. When I say 'stumbled', I really do mean it. Sometimes I feel like the guy with a broken leg learning to walk with crutches, desperately trying to keep his balance. He slips over, and gets angry with himself, until he sees a beautiful big diamond on the ground right in front of his nose. If he hadn't fell over he wouldn't have seen it!
Some of the most precious revelations about our Heavenly Dad have come from other peoples' gutter experiences. You'll probably have your own contributions to add, but here are some of mine:
In your journey with Jesus,
1. Say you're sorry for the wrongs you've done. Read thru Psalms 51. Here is a song (or prayer) that was written by a guy who completely stuffed things up for himself, and a few other people! Verse 1 says, "Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins". Remember this: God doesn't just forgive our sins so we'll be continually indebted to him; He forgives us because he loves us and wants to forgive us. He removes the stain of sin so there will be no more record of it, and there will be no barrier between him and us.
2. Stop trying to be happy. Happiness isn't the goal - peace with God is the goal; the knowledge that Jesus never leaves you is the goal. If you're pursuit is happiness then you need to mature some more. Happiness is defined by feelings and events. Peace with God, and contentment is the real goal. Remember this from Paul, in the Bible?
Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. (Philippians 4:11-13 The Message)
Notice who the central figure is in this verse?: It's Jesus, "The One"
If you want to further challenge yourself in this read 2 Corinthians 11. But be prepared to have some of your ideas turned on their heads. God's idea of abundant life may be very different to yours!
3. Don't trust your own understanding. You would think this would go without saying, wouldn't you? Take the time to read Proverbs 3: 5 - 8 again.
Don't make the assumption that you're lost just because you feel lost! Don't fall into the trap of presuming you're on your own just because you feel like you're on your own. And don't assume that just because you can't see where you're going, that you're off the track and away from God's plan.
4. When Jesus knocks, open the door.
I have to confess that this is something that I can't teach you how to do. Throughout the Bible we see God turned up in people's lives in a whole bunch of ways. At times he came as an angel; he spoke from the middle of a bush; he spoke thru a donkey, and a prostitute; he appeared as a bright light, and a voice; told people what he wanted thru some strange rocks; thru lightning and thunder; a gentle whisper; he used the voices of ordinary men and women, little boys and girls; and the list goes on and on.
Jesus makes a big statement in John's Gospel chapter 10 verses 1-5. In short, he says, "My sheep will hear my voice". Go ahead and read it. Jesus seems to be fairly certain and confident that his sheep will hear his voice when he calls them (more confident than me, at times).
Unfortunately we are bombarded with doubts most of the time when it comes to this.
I don't know how he will speak to you, but I know that if you are his sheep then you will know. (Perhaps the doubt we experience is a sign that he's not speaking??).
In 1 Samuel 3, the boy Samuel hears God calling to him, but he thinks it's Eli his master and asks him what he wants. After this happens 3 times Eli gives Samuel the best advice ever; and it's something you and I can do every time we need to make a decision, or we're not sure the Lord is actually talking to us. Eli says, The next time you hear the voice, say, 'Speak to me, Lord; you're servant is listening'.
When he knocks, open the door. It may be the most rewarding thing you do; and every time you do you will get to know your Saviour a little better.
Talk soon . . . dmd

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